-Momma Lost her Mask-

She tip toed to the bathroom to quietly, shut the door in hopes of the toddler not being disturbed; just long enough to ball her eyes out over the loss the family they had come to know.

She had convinced herself she was a failure. She looped the same thoughts again and again in her head to find where she had went wrong. If she could just figure out the issue it could be resolved. Gazing in the mirror, she felt her chest grow tight at the thought of how to explain to her 3 year old boy that his sisters and the man he learned to look up to wouldn’t be home again.

Bang! Bang!

Just as she wipes the tears from her cheeks, a tired, whiny toddler came crashing through the door; distraught that Mommy had snuck away.

“Wonder Woman! What’s wrong?”, he said with a tone that could melt any heart with an instant!

It was that moment she was reminded she is human. Grief, sadness, and pain was something she would have to master to confidently teach him to live fully. She grabbed both of his chubby, fingered, little hands and said,” Changes can be tough, huh, little man?”

“Yeah, momma. They stink! “

“Just remember, baby, roll with the changes because the tougher they get the closer you are to the happiness you deserve.” She said holding her tears with a lump in her throat.

“Momma, even Wonder Woman needs Batman!”, the three year old said with such an innocence sincerity.

It was from that moment on that they realized they had everything they needed to make it through life. Love is kind and knows no boundaries. The love shared between a parent and child is unconditional.

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